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Clay shoot goes off with a ‘Bang’

On Friday 10th June, Care for Veterans held a clay shoot experience at Southdown Gun Club in Findon.

Seven teams of six, some of whom have never shot before, took part in the have-a-go day, shooting five stands with an introduction to different types of clay targets.

The day started with a bacon roll and concluded with a gourmet burger, raffle and of course the winners’ presentations.


The CPS team won with an average score of 19.3! The highest individual scores were 25 and the have a go 25 clay flush was won with a score of 16!

Two participants celebrated their birthday on the day and were very happy to receive a chocolate birthday cake and a rendition of Happy Birthday by all those taking part.

The event raised £3,656 for the support and rehabilitation of the disabled Veterans in our care.

Participant James Appleton said, ‘What a great day we had!!! Also, what a great charity. Put me down for next year! A massive thank you to you and your team. Great effort’.

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