Stay With Us > Day Service for Veterans and their Families

Day Service for Veterans and their Families

Assessed and Focused Treatment Within One Expert Service

Care for Veterans has opened up its on-site facilities to Veterans and their families, to provide a package of tailored treatments without having to wait for referral to multiple NHS or private sector providers.

Every person wishing to join our Day Service will benefit from an expert clinical assessment of need, to identify what a potential treatment package will provide regardless of their circumstances or conditions, levels of physical mobility at the outset or aspirations to reach their own optimum improvement.

The Day Service Provision

The service is able to offer any or all of the following:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Help to improve swallowing and eating
  • Social activities in a friendly group setting
  • Counselling to help manage depression or anxiety, or the difficult changes to health or circumstances
  • Safe food preparation using our adapted kitchen
  • Wheelchair user improvement coaching
  • Talking therapy
  • Advice about self-help strategies
  • Meals will be provided together with eating assistance where appropriate.
  • Sessions will include therapies – Physio in our adapted gym, Occupational Therapy to help participants become confident and safe whilst using stairs, wheelchair use training for beginners or for clients wishing to develop new skills, adapted toilet facilities, speech and language therapy, help to manage any loss of swallowing, counselling with our trained and qualified psychotherapist, social activities, and group talking and listening to include self-help exchanges.
  • At the end of the day, participants may relax in the beautiful wrap-around gardens, in the library, or in the Day Room with a drink or snack.

Suitability for the Day Service

The unique Care for Veterans Day Service programme is suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds who may suffer from illness or conditions such as a loss of independent mobility, confidence, nutritional loss or the desire to live at home more independently perhaps also helping family members or carers to know that future reliance upon this type of support is managed, at least for a while.

The programme is also likely to provide the bridge between discharge from hospital or residential care provision and to prevent escalation from home to expensive residential care settings.


Cost of the Day Service

The Care for Veterans Day Service is a cost – effective solution because it does not require overnight stays or travel to more than one location to access a range of tailored treatments. Everything is under our roof.


Additional Benefits of the Day Service Programme

As Care for Veterans limits the number of Day Service clients, there are no crowds or waits for each timetabled session on the day of your booking.

Care for Veterans prioritises Veterans and their families. All age groups are suitable and the absolute focus of the programme – to help people reach their own levels of optimum fitness of body and mind – will even support those needing a framework of rehabilitation whilst living at home. Care for Veterans realises how pressured the NHS is at this time, and that this programme will short-cut those waiting for focussed ‘interventional’ forms of support.

Any available capacity will be offered to people with veteran links via a family member, and then to needy people for whom a loss of independent living is a real risk.

How to Join the Day Service

  • The programme’s pathway will begin with self – referral, directly to us, or via any referral from NHS Hospitals for instance from Discharge teams to help patients go home faster than would otherwise be possible, from GPs, from NHS Therapy services or from Social and Caring colleagues.
  • An assessment undertaken by Care for Veterans’ clinical teams will determine suitability to the programme as well as the immediate conditions for each Day Service client against which their progress will be measured.
  • After assessment and a discussion about what clients would like to achieve, a site visit will provide introductions to treatment teams and other on-site facilities. A start date will then be provided and a full explanation of logistics, provided. The site is fully wheelchair accessible.
  • Towards the end of any agreed programme, clients will be assessed again to identify need, any remaining issues, and support to make a successful referral to appropriate sources including adaptations to their accommodation, information or training needs.
  • Should residential, respite or rehabilitation be required in the future, Care for Veterans will help clients make that step in an informed way.

Planned Outcomes

Each client will be offered a tailored set of outcomes building upon an initial assessment of need. As the programme incorporates clinical testing on site for instance blood pressure, weight management and physical assessment during physiotherapy, the individual programme may be adjusted during the lifetime of each treatment cycle undertaken to take in any newly identified improvements or clinical issue.

Planned outcomes may include improvements to eating, swallowing, mobility, general fitness and the renewed ability to live safely at home. Where clients are employed, their tailored programme will include work-based aims and objectives.


The cost of Day Services is unique to each client due to the varying nature of identified needs and aspirations. Advice about costs will be provided once the initial details of client conditions and needs have been identified.


Call Care for Veterans today on 01903 213458 and ask for Day Services for more details or to arrange an assessment.


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